Thursday, November 6, 2008

One Photo Editor - Doing Good by Doing Right

Photo editors often get a bad rap. They're often (incorrectly) blamed for the bad contracts they are required to foist upon us. Sometimes, it's their idea, but usually, it's not. It's usually the legal department making things harder for them to get talented work to sign things like work-for-hire, and so forth.

Thus, when a photo editor does the right thing, as is the case here, we feel it of value to hearld it from the treetops, so to speak. This is the case of a photo editor who licensed images through Digital Railroad for several books, with over fifty images. They'd downloaded them, and had recieved an invoice from DRR. Yet, when they were about to pay it (the books have not gone to press yet), they learned that DRR was in trouble, and likely closing their doors, so they waited before cutting the check. Imagine my pleasant surprise when they called me and shared this story, and said "we want to pay you directly, since we know that if we pay them, you'll never see the money." I was eager, of course, to help. They are also looking to finalize their contacting of other photographers whose images they had selected. We've offered to help them find anyone who they can't locate, and await any information from them on that front.

So, three cheers for Brad Epstein, of Michaelson Entertainment for his effort in doing the right thing. Thanks Brad.

(Comments, if any, after the Jump)

Please post your comments by clicking the link below. If you've got questions, please pose them in our Photo Business Forum Flickr Group Discussion Threads.


Anonymous said...

Dear Brad:

May you have many children who populate the photography business!

I take that back. May your integrity be an inspiration to others.


TheCamerawala said...

This is really inspiring, specially during this difficult time.

I want to say my heartfelt thanks to Brad for this positive approach. All my best wishes are for him!!


Chuck Pefley said...

Yes indeed, KUDO's to Brad at Michaelson Entertainment. I received an identical telephone call from Brad and was also happy to help. A very refreshing experience! Thanks for recounting this PLUS on your blog.

Watson said...

Good story. The blog world needs to see more positivity on the current photo biz. There is too much gloom and doom being written and the champions need to be mentioned.

Betsy Reid said...

Nice to hear some good news, John.

SAA has also been receiving inquiries from photo editors. We've told them we're glad to help connect them with the photographers. Between the various photo associations, I'm sure we can locate everyone so they can get paid for outstanding licenses.

FYI we've asked for a list of DRR archive owners from Diablo which would, of course, make this process much easier.

Betsy Reid
SAA executive director


SAA DRR Info Page:

Anonymous said...

Hi all;

I was just searching our company name on the internet and came across the blog about our photo search efforts. As an update, our five children's books have gone to the printers and we'll be releasing them in early February. They are educational and entertaining, family oriented books about cities in the United States - New York 101, Boston 101, Chicago 101... We also publish children's books on Major League Baseball and the major Universities.

After a good deal of searching and work, we were able to locate all of the photographers whose images we had selected on DRR. Everyone was most helpful and we were able to come to terms with all the photographers - and all have received licensing payment directly from us. We'll be publishing more city books in 2009 and hope to work with many of the same photographers for future needs. (as a side note - of course I now keep receiving email notices from DRR requesting payment for the images we were initially licensing through their service).

Anyway, it's my pleasure to make certain that the right people receive their compensation as business is based on relationships and we always try to be the best in the business - maybe someday we'll be the biggest too! (although we would rather have fun and remain a nice private company).

Thanks for the nice feedback and comments.


Brad Epstein
Michaelson Entertainment

Anonymous said...

^^ nice blog!! ^@^

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Anonymous said...

^^ nice blog!! thanks a lot! ^^

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