Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Go Vote

If you don't go out and vote today, you (in my humble opinion) lose the right to complain for the next four years.

(Continued after the Jump)

Exemptions are available for those of you to young to vote today, just fill out the proper forms, in triplicate, submit them with a self-addressed stamped envelope, certified, return-receipt requested.

Above is an image I produced on location in Texas for a client where the objective was to get their employees out to vote.

Please post your comments by clicking the link below. If you've got questions, please pose them in our Photo Business Forum Flickr Group Discussion Threads.


MarcWPhoto said...

Can I also get an exemption if it's mathematically impossible that any of the races in my jurisdiction could be affected by my vote?

Obama and Jackson could not lose in my jurisdiction if the skies opened up and God Almighty shouted, "If you vote for a Democrat I will PERSONALLY throw you into the lake of fire ten seconds later." Assuming I were to want to vote against either of them (which I neither affirm nor deny) it would make absolutely no difference. Machine politicians will likewise win all other races in my district. There is literally no point to my voting.

So how about that exemption?

bill said...

"...will make absolutely no difference..."? Thanks to those who decided their vote "will make absolutely no difference" we have had eight years of what many historians say will go down as the worse presidency in our history.

However, beyond voting for one or the other party, we vote for ourselves, our neighbors and increasingly for people in other nations who still look to us as a model. In the end we vote to reaffirm our belief in personal freedom and in a nation where possibility and hope are more than words, but are an part of our very being.

Michael Sebastian said...

I agree with @bill, at least when it comes to the reason one votes even when it seems his/her vote won't matter.

It's the most sacred privilege, and duty, of any citizen to vote. Showing up and doing it's the thing.

I think of voting in such circumstances as kinda like a chemical buffer--my molecule (vote) doesn't change the pH of the solution (electorate) but it prevents wide swings in acidity (ideology.)

To mangle a metaphor....

I already voted. I live in a quasi-rural district where I've never had to wait more than 15 minutes. Today it took 45, with the line at 60-90 minutes as I left.

Let's just hope whoever wins, wins cleanly without widespread fraud. I don't think the nation is in the mood for a wait of several weeks to determine the outcome.

MarcWPhoto said...

If you have any data whatsoever which conclusively shows that people who thought their vote would make no difference not voting resulted in Bush's election, please provide it. I for one would be interested to see it as would probably every political scientist, statistician and pollster in the world. It still wouldn't change my particular situation, because as I said it's mathematically impossible for anybody but Democrats to win any of the races I am allowed to vote in. Increased turnout would just result in more Democratic votes.

Bush won the Electoral College in both his elections and the popular vote by a clear margin after he'd set in motion the events that would ruin the economy and start an endless war. If anything, it's people who thought their votes could make a difference who cost Gore the 2000 election, as most of the people who voted for a third-party candidate would probably otherwise have voted for Gore.

Incidentally, please remember that the plural of "anecdote" is not "data."

As for the rest, it's a pretty speech.


Anonymous said...

If either of these nitwits wins this election we are so screwed.

One has to ask; are Obama and McCain the best America has to offer?

If they are we as a country are done for.

Anonymous said...

Good Lord people! How can you forget where you live and how good you have it? Being able to vote is THE FUNDAMENTAL right given us in the constitution. The others are just gravy.


Anonymous said...

Could you have fit any more wrinkles in that flag?

You need to fire your props person, or buy an iron.

Anonymous said...

ALL --- Something Great/Good today. VOTING is the Great part and a FREE Coffee is the Good part.

Get a Free 12 oz. cup of coffee at Starbucks by telling them you voted today.

I saw the commercial on TV a couple days ago -- and google confirms.

Vote and enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Asians not represented, why not?

Flag a mess, why?

Or those the new Village People?

Anonymous said...


Why is it that Americans seem to think we live in the only place on the planet where citizens engage in a democratic electoral process? Is it because the media so often focuses on places where voting and other rights are denied? Is it because that's what our elected leaders continually tell us? Is it simply a case of arrogance?

Should some other nation elect a leader that Americans, make that America's elected leaders, take exception to, we're told (and most of us believe) the electoral process in that country was rigged or is a facade. Sorry to burst any bubbles, but that is simply, in many instances, not the case.

We, as Americans, are all for democracy until some other democracy results in a leader we don't like or who doesn't agree with our personal version of democracy or who our leaders object to or who conflicts with our strategic and/or economic policies.

American's please. We ain't "all that." We're not alone as the only nation where freedom is enjoyed amongst it's citizens. We might be the mightiest nation on Earth but that doesn't mean we are automatically the best.

Some of you might be thinking, "If you don't like it here, if you believe it's so good somewhere else, why don't you pack your stuff and go live somewhere else?" Well, it's because this is my home. This is where I was born, raised, and raised a family. My roots are deep. But that doesn't mean I believe there's nowhere else, i.e., that America is the only place on Earth, where fate could have planted me and I would still enjoy freedom's bounty.

Let's quit flaunting our arrogance. We are a nation built with freedom's fervor. That doesn't necessarily mean we are the only place where that fervor exists.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with some of the above about the flag.

Even though it is used as a prop, it should have been respectfully folded and stored before you used it in you image. I for one don't think you show proper respect to the flag when it looks as badly wrinkled as it is in your photo.

Anonymous said...

lol - and you've got to be the only nation to really give a **** about how wrinkly a flag is. It's just a flag!!

Anonymous said...

and finally there's hope! It's been a long time.

Anonymous said...

That you were paid good money for that flag photo makes the best argument ever for getting your book, as your business skills are incredible!

Anonymous said...

^^ nice blog!! ^@^

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Anonymous said...

^^ nice blog!! thanks a lot! ^^

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